DUNS: 117497475Â |Â NAICS: 541618, 541690, 541611, 541614, 541613Â Â |Â Â SIC: 8748
Colorado Springs, Colorado & Washington D.C.,  USA
Tornberg Consulting is proud to announce Business Capture, Business Development and Government Affairs as a Service

No matter what your business, government regulations and legislation affect you and your bottom line. While nearly all large companies have dedicated government and legislative affairs teams, the cost of employing these teams in small and medium sized businesses is prohibitive. Tornberg Consulting is now offering a dedicated team of experienced specialists and executive-level experts that can guide your company through the challenges of Government and Legislative Affairs. We can help position your company for success, help to shape regulations and legislation that affect you, and raise your company's profile in a positive way to ensure your influence in your market. Our direct engagement with regulators, lawmakers, and Federal agencies gives your company a seat at the most important tables and a place in the most important conversations. Best of all, we can provide you with this dedicated team for about a third of the cost of a single Director-level employee. Get in Touch to find out how we can help you.
The life's blood of any company is revenue. Securing contracts, developing profitable relationships, strategic teaming, and gaining access to lucrative contracting vehicles are critical activities for any business, but even more especially for those aiming at Federal contracting. Staying abreast of government solicitations, industry days, RFIs and RFPs, as well as developing and maintaining relationships with government customers is time consuming and expensive. Tornberg Consulting is now offering our team of expert Business Capture and Business Development specialists in service to your company's Business Capture and Business Development needs. For about a quarter of the cost of a single Director-level employee, the Tornberg Consulting Team will help your company gain access to billions of dollars in set-aside, GWAC, IDIQ, and invitation-only contract opportunities. We will build solid relationships with your target clients and help you team up with companies that can give you access to the most lucrative opportunities in government contracting. Get in Touch to find out how we can help.

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